- Server Information -
- Episode: 5.4 (with up-to-date episode 8 content)
- Type: PvP/PvE
- Exp Rate: x200
- Kill Rate: x1
- FREE GEARS for All PvP Zones 15-30-70
- FREE Lapises Duals Lv1-5, Lv5-6, Flash/Sonic 1-2 and Ele 1-2 via NPC
- FREE Shaiya Points through Vote, PvP Rewards and in-game through Events, Quests
- EMOJI SYSTEM , Check this out
- Daily PvP Quest: Kill 200 enemies and receive 50 Shaiya Points (repetable quest every 12h)
- Daily Bonus Rewards: Everyday you login in-game receive 10 SP. (IP restriction | Level required: 60)
- +200 MOUNTS/ PETS/ WINGS/ COSTUMES & WEAPONS SKIN models that makes your character looks unique!
- Reduced Ranking Stats from VET Rewards. Check out
- NO Knockout Nostrum, NO Debuff Lapises
- AUTO PICK-UP SYSTEM: you don't need to be in a party for farming.
- Additional Skill Bars: you can enable 3/4/5 skill bars.
- Auto-Notice when a BOSS SPAWNED or DIED.
- Skill Cut fixed (Jump/Mount/Rune)
- Removed gaining bless from killing enemies.
- 7 second Leader-Resurrection & 4 second UT resurrection to prevent spawn kills
- Fixed HP: Both Factions have the same ammount of HP.
- Vanish Effect Removed: for all Nostrums and Remedy potions, even if your character die, buffs will not be deleted.
- Shared Kills on all Raids: Gain same amount of kills with other raids if you are in the same area of PvP.
- Cross Faction Trade: This allow you to trade items with opposite faction in Auction House.
- Cross Faction Whisper: This allow you to whisper the opposite faction.
- Guild Penality removed: don't need to wait 3 days in order to join a new Guild.
- 3 People to make a Guild: instead of 7 which is actually on others servers.
- GRB level restrictions removed on the floors 15/30.
- Anti Cheats System
- DDoS Protected Server
- Instances -
Opening Time may be modified, we recommend you to check this page periodically.
Oblivion Insula (OI). Opening time:
- Monday: 12:00 > 13:00 (Server Time)
- Tuesday: 23:00 > 00:00 (Server Time)
- Wednesday: 11:00 > 12:00 (Server Time)
- Thursday: 23:00 > 00:00 (Server Time)
- Friday: 11:00 > 12:00 (Server Time)
- Saturday: 12:00 > 13:00 (Server Time)
- Sunday: 01:00 > 02:00 (Server Time)
Football Stadium (Kill Rate x2). Opening time:
- Monday: 17:00 > 18:00 (Server Time)
- Wednesday: 19:00 > 20:00 (Server Time)
Battle of the Queens (Kill Rate x2). Opening time:
- Friday: 20:00 > 23:00 (Server Time)
Goddess Battle Zone (Kill Rate x2). Opening time:
- Saturday: 15:00 > 16:00 (Server Time)
Free For All [FFA] (Kill Rate x2). Opening time:
- Sunday: 16:00 > 17:00 (Server Time)
Guild Ranking Battle (GRB). Opening time:
- Sunday: 15:00 > 16:00 (Server Time)
Cripticone Throne (CT) . Opening time:
- Sunday: 19:00 > 23:00 (Server Time)
- Enchantment -
There are 2 types of Lapisia we could use to enchant items:
- Weapon & Armor Lapisia - Breaks the weapon if the enchantment failed.
- Power & Defense Lapisia of Syeeric - Will not break the weapon if the enchantment failed.
Below is the table for the enchant success rate for upgrades.
Upgrade | Success Rate |
0-1 | 100% |
1-2 | 100% |
2-3 | 100% |
3-4 | 100% |
4-5 | 100% |
5-6 | 100% |
6-7 | 100% |
7-8 | 100% |
8-9 | 100% |
9-10 | 100% |
10-11 | 10% |
11-12 | 5% |
12-13 | 3% |
13-14 | 2% |
14-15 | 1% |
15-16 | not disponible |
16-17 | not disponible |
17-18 | not disponible |
18-19 | not disponible |
19-20 | not disponible |
- Ranking Stats -
How to gain ranks
- Enter a PvP battlefield. The battlefields are separated by level brackets.
- Defeat other players to gain kill points.
Advantages to ranking up
Ranking up allows players to gain access to more stats. These stats may be allocated just like other stats and are a bonus on top of stats gained while leveling up. Once a player reaches level 16, ranks can be redeemed for stat points in AH, Apulune or Iris.
Reduced stats from rankings
Rang | Kills | VET Reward Stats Points | Symbol |
1 | 1 | 5 | |
2 | 50 | 5 | |
3 | 300 | 5 | |
4 | 1.000 | 5 | |
5 | 5.000 | 5 | |
6 | 10.000 | 5 | |
7 | 20.000 | 5 | |
8 | 30.000 | 5 | |
9 | 40.000 | 5 | |
10 | 50.000 | 5 | |
11 | 70.000 | 5 | |
12 | 90.000 | 5 | |
13 | 110.000 | 5 | |
14 | 130.000 | 5 | |
15 | 150.000 | 5 | |
16 | 200.000 | 5 | |
17 | 250.000 | 5 | |
18 | 300.000 | 5 | |
19 | 350.000 | 5 | |
20 | 400.000 | 5 | |
21 | 450.000 | 5 | |
22 | 500.000 | 5 | |
23 | 550.000 | 5 | |
24 | 600.000 | 5 | |
25 | 650.000 | 5 | |
26 | 700.000 | 5 | |
27 | 750.000 | 5 | |
28 | 800.000 | 5 | |
29 | 850.000 | 5 | |
30 | 900.000 | 5 | |
31 | 1.000.000 | 5 | |
TotalStatPoints: 155 |
- Teleport Commands -
Command | Map |
!tp 0 | Auction House |
!tp 1 | Capital |
!tp 2 | DD1 |
!tp 3 | DD2 |
!tp 4 | Jungle |
!tp 5 | Keolloseu/Gliter |
!tp 6 | Arktuis/Starfumos |
!tp 7 | Ranharr/Pandora |
!tp 8 | Cloron/Fantasma |
!tp 9 | Stigma/Aurizen |
!tp 10 | D-Water |
!tp 11 | Ice Valley |
!tp 12 | VR/PR |
!tp 13 | Kanos Illium |
!tp 14 | Oblivion Insula |
!tp 15 | Goddess PvP |
!tp 16 | World Cup |
!tp 17 | FFA |
!tp 18 | Crypticone Throne |
!tp 19 | Battle Queens |
!tp 20 | Canyon of Greed |
!tp 21 | Castle Siege |
- Emoji Commands -
Command | Emoji | Command | Emoji | Command | Emoji | Command | Emoji |
#000 | #040 | #080 | #120 | ||||
#001 | #041 | #081 | #121 | ||||
#002 | #042 | #082 | #122 | ||||
#003 | #043 | #083 | #123 | ||||
#004 | #044 | #084 | #124 | ||||
#005 | #045 | #085 | #125 | ||||
#006 | #046 | #086 | #126 | ||||
#007 | #047 | #087 | #127 | ||||
#008 | #048 | #088 | #128 | ||||
#009 | #049 | #089 | #129 | ||||
#010 | #050 | #090 | #130 | ||||
#011 | #051 | #091 | #131 | ||||
#012 | #052 | #092 | #132 | ||||
#013 | #053 | #093 | #133 | ||||
#014 | #054 | #094 | #134 | ||||
#015 | #055 | #095 | #135 | ||||
#016 | #056 | #096 | #136 | ||||
#017 | #057 | #097 | #137 | ||||
#018 | #058 | #098 | #138 | ||||
#019 | #059 | #099 | #139 | ||||
#020 | #060 | #100 | #140 | ||||
#021 | #061 | #101 | #141 | ||||
#022 | #062 | #102 | #142 | ||||
#023 | #063 | #103 | #143 | ||||
#024 | #064 | #104 | #144 | ||||
#025 | #065 | #105 | #145 | ||||
#026 | #066 | #106 | #146 | ||||
#027 | #067 | #107 | #147 | ||||
#028 | #068 | #108 | #148 | ||||
#029 | #069 | #109 | #149 | ||||
#030 | #070 | #110 | #150 | ||||
#031 | #071 | #111 | #151 | ||||
#032 | #072 | #112 | #152 | ||||
#033 | #073 | #113 | #153 | ||||
#034 | #074 | #114 | #154 | ||||
#035 | #075 | #115 | #155 | ||||
#036 | #076 | #116 | #156 | ||||
#037 | #077 | #117 | #157 | ||||
#038 | #078 | #118 | #158 | ||||
#039 | #079 | #119 | #159 | ||||
#040 | #080 | #120 | #160 |